Wheelchair accessible
Wheelchair accessible toilets
0-2 years
3-5 years
6-10 years
11+ years
Stroller access
Family toilet
There is an accessible toilet, but it is uncertain if it can be used as a family toilet. It may require a key for access. It is crucial to leave it clean and tidy, especially as blind and visually impaired individuals rely on touch for orientation.
There is an accessible toilet, but it is uncertain if it can be used as a family toilet. It may require a key for access. It is crucial to leave it clean and tidy, especially as blind and visually impaired individuals rely on touch for orientation.
7 Klosterhof, Rostock, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 18055
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Geo data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Data last updated: March 14, 2025, 2:58 a.m.
- OpenStreetMap
- About OpenStreetMap
- Importance
- 0.3209595241704991
- addr:country
- Deutschland
- addr:country_code
- de
- wheelchair
- yes
- toilets:wheelchair
- yes
- tourism
- museum
- type
- multipolygon
- addr:housenumber
- 7
- surveillance
- indoor
- building:levels
- 2
- man_made
- surveillance
- addr:suburb
- Stadtmitte
- roof:shape
- gabled
- addr:city
- Rostock
- addr:state
- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- addr:postcode
- 18055
- building
- monastery
- height
- 13
- building:material
- timber_framing
- addr:street
- Klosterhof
- blind:description:de
- Taktile Informationstafel und Blindenseitsystem vorhanden
- building:use
- museum
- name
- Kloster zum Heiligen Kreuz
- wheelchair:description
- Weg zum Gebäude Kopfsteinpflaster. Zugang zu den Räumen über Rolli-Aufzug (Metalltür ca. 10m links neben dem Eingang. In den Aufzug passt nur ein Rolli. Der Aufzug wird von Ausstellungsmitarbeitern bedient). Am Gebäude befindet sich keine Rufklingel.
- wikidata
- Q76635515
- wikipedia
- de:Kloster zum Heiligen Kreuz (Rostock)
- addr:full
- Kloster zum Heiligen Kreuz, 7, Klosterhof, Nördliche Altstadt, Stadtmitte, Ortsbeirat 14 : Stadtmitte, Rostock, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 18055, Deutschland
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